Behind the Scenes | Updates

How One Small Business Pivoted Into Three

By on 27 November, 2020

Over the past few months there have been quite a few developments to our Social Media as well as a few smaller changes to our website. I thought I would take some time today to address these changes.

My Entreprenurial Journey

In October of 2019, I started my cottage bakery. In January, I went legit with my business (articles of incorporation, LLC, taxes, etc). I had big dreams and plans for 2020. Since I haven’t been blessed with children, I intened on putting my extra time and love into this venture to share my love of homemade sweets with my community. I had a few brithday cakes booked as well as three weddings by the end of February. Things were off to a good start.

My intention was to continue blogging alongside the bakery with all of the other homemade/ handmade creations. Then 2020 threw all of us a giant curveball that we’re all tired of hearing about and hopeful to move beyond.

I still shared some on my IG and FB pages. I still baked for any requested orders. I wasn’t sure how to navigate the new reality. I didn’t want to encourage gatherings. I didn’t want to turn away business. So I focused on my life at home. I worked from home for my day job for the first three months. I spent time outside in my gardens every weekend and most evenings.

Fairly early, I realized I needed a solution to protect my hair from all of my yard debris, so I started making Multiclavas (Read What’s a Multiclava). Along the way I realized I could also wear my Multiclavas as masks in a more stylish and comfortable way.

Purrl’s Pawtique is Born

Due to my sewing frenzy making an assortment of Multiclavas, my gal pal Carri who makes AMAZING Dog Collars, Leashes, and other Accessories at Collars By Carri suggested I try making some bandanas for pets.

I knew I had the sewing skills, but I wasn’t sure if I was the right person to market bandanas. I don’t have a dog. Do cats wear bandanas? We are the Ocelots’ Den after all.

I made a couple prototype bandanas for Purrl and to my surprise, she actually LOVES them! I mean she doesn’t love them as much as she loves treats, but she doesn’t throw herself on the floor like they weigh 100 pounds and she can’t get up nor does she try to take them off. Sometimes she gets upset when I try to take them off before bedtime.

I decided to call that a win! I looked through my stash of fabric. Any of you other creative types can relate I’m sure. You have some fabric remnants, or projects you were going to make, but they just haven’t come to fruition just yet. I created our first tiny collection.

I was posting them along with sweets, cocktails, dinners, and my multiclavas. And I kept thinking about it and thinking about it. While I liked the ease of only managing one IG and FB page I needed a change. I needed to branch out and make a seperate brand for the bandanas. The multiclavas could live under the same brand and Purrl was an excellent Brand Ambassador and Chief Entertainment officer. My intuition was confirmed when I was chatting with my gal pal Carri later the same week.

I took a little bit of time, but I quickly came up with the name Purrl’s Pawtique since she was the main inspiration. She is a huge part of my homelife and I love spoiling her. She’s also incredibly precious and photogenic when she is in the mood. I created a new logo and we were off to the races!

A Third Venture Begins

In September, I had a client request a couple of Get Out the Vote style Bandanas supporting their candidate for their pooches. The small capitalist in me said “Sure!” I’ll make something cute and get back to you.

I had already set my Halloween line up at that point and I had launched a small Autumn Collection but I had recently discovered Spoonflower where I could submit my own desings and create truly custom fabric. The other benefit is I can always reorder fabric when it goes out of stock. This isn’t always the case at my local fabric stores. So while the fabric is a little more expensive, I LOVED that I could have fabric that is exactly as I imagine!

I got to sketching immediately. My client loved it and since there weren’t any other “cute or pretty” versions of fabric that I could find for her candidate, it actually started selling in my Spoonflower shop. (Which meant that I got a little commssion)!

I wanted to make sure to have a few other options for political parties so I made several for a Get Out the Vote Collection.

When it was time to think about Thanksgiving, I made the Collection from our own designs, Autumn Jewels, Friendsgiving, and Feast Your Pies on This. (I used the Friendsgiving Turkey in my cupcake toppers last Thanksgiving and I couldn’t wait to put them on a bandana).

Now that some of my designs were starting to sell a little bit, I decided to design all of my fabric. All of my designs aren’t perfect for bandanas, so I set up The Ocelots’ Den: Handmade Home (@ODHandmadeHome). Same parent brand, new channel. If you would like to buy fabric in my prints, living and decor items, or even as wall paper you can head over to my Spoonflower Shop.

Beyond Blessed

This year has had many ups, downs, and uncertainties. Owning a small business has been a challenge and I am blessed that business has started to pick up in my various ventures. I can’t wait to see where life leads me over the next year and I’m thankful for everyone that are so incdedibly supportive of my creative passions. Cakes, Cookies, Confections, Chocolate, Bandanas, Surface Design & more!

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Baked Goods | Cookies | Treats | Updates

Oh Happy Day! Welcome to Cookie of the Month

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We are thrilled to announce our cookie of the month club! It has been a labor of love to figure out the best flavors and recipes for each month. What better way to let someone know you are thinking of them every month than cookies made with love!

Sugar Cookies

My Great Great Aunt Ina was one of my Great Grams’ best friends. We spent a lot of time visiting her as children. She lived in the country so we played out in the woods or we played card games and Rummicube. When we would come back inside, there were cookie tubs on a couple of low shelves in the mud room. We would all sneak some cookies on our way in as well as on our way out.

As I got older, my brothers moved to live with our mom. When Gram and I would visit Aunt Ina we would work on our crocheting and still play our games, but Aunt Ina realized my interest in cooking and baking so she would share her recipes with me and we would watch Martha Stewart on TV. I would marvel at the interesting cookies Martha made. (One cookie called for Wheat Germ and I’d never heard of such a strange thing).

While Great Gram was an excellent cook, and baked well, she only baked cookies for Christmas. (Side note, she baked ALL the cookies. Seriously, I don’t know how she did it. There were at least a dozen varieties so everyone had their favorites and she shared them with all four generations of our family, plus other friends).

Aunt Ina on the other hand loved to bake cookies. So she took the time to teach me about rolling out the dough. Cutting them out. How to flour my board or counter and my rolling pin. How you could use just about anything to cut out a cookie if you were in a pinch.

Her sugar cookies are truly magical. They are so light and fluffy. I used to use them for my decorated Sugar cookies because IMHO they are the most supreme sugar cookie in the world, but due to their rise and amazing texture they have a rounded top, which unfortunately isn’t ideal for specially decorated cookies. (For inquiring minds, my decorated sugar cookies are now between a sugar cookie and shortbread in texture and still have a delightful flavor. I’ve asked my favorite taste testers plus a few other people to sample to ensure they are still a high quality cookie).

My heart knew I wanted to keep these Sugar Cookies on my menu and were part of my inspiration for creating the cookie of the month club! Sugar Cookies are a truly classic cookie that I think are a nice palate cleanser for the beginning of the new year. They are like a delicious blank slate after the indulgence, decadence, and deep spice flavors of the holidays.

Chocolate Cookies

February is all about the chocolate and hearts. Whether you want to share with the ones that you love, or add some extra love into your own life. If I had to choose one sweet for the rest of my life it would with out a doubt be chocolate. I find it so comforting and often chuckle to myself when I think about the use of Chocolate after a dementor attack in the Harry Potter season, because when I make big moves, or need to do something out of my comfort zone a piece of chocolate makes the world right again.

A couple of years ago, I wanted to make some special St. Patrick’s Day treats for my office and the idea struck me. I know Rice Cereal Treats are a classic desert, but could they be made with Lucky Charms?

What would happen to the marshmallows that are already in the cereal? Would the melt into an ugly blob when they mixed with the melted marshmallows? Would I need to adjust the amount of marshmallows? Would they be too sweet? I became obsessed. I decided instead of continuing to worry or question if it could work or how it would work, I should just try and then make my adjustments.

My end result was a glorious treat! My colleagues loved them and even though I don’t like rice cereal treats (I know I’m an outlier here) I LOVED them too! I figured I would enjoy them since after all they were full of Lucky Charms, and they are my favorite cereal. (Want more info on my love affair with Lucky Charms? Check out my Lucky 13).

Now my colleagues ask me ahead of time, “when is it going to be Charms Treats time?” And that fills me heart with joy.


At least two of my favorite people have April Birthdays and I have spent most of my adult life living far away from my family. College and then off into the Army all over the world, and now I’m in Virginia where I don’t have any of my familial connections. For my local family (especially my nephews) I bake them cakes. As a micro business, I don’t know how to ship a cake in the mail and it seems cost prohibitive on a small scale. So I have developed Birthday Cake Cookies!! I CAN ship cookies in the mail!

I have 13 nieflings (nieces and nephews) and I love them all SO very much. Even the ones I haven’t met, from the time I learn about them, they have a place in their auntie’s heart the same as the neiflings that I do know have have relationships with. I truly wish I could fly home for each one of their birthdays and bake them cakes. I did bake the Irish Twins a birthday cake for their 2/3 birthdays TEN years ago because I happened to be home on leave, but the timing hasn’t lined up since. (Plus now there are just so many babies 😍🥰 which is an amazing blessing, but since I have a FT career as well, it only allows 10 vacation days per year).


After a piece of chocolate, I think what Moms really want is something a little sweet and sour. Light and Crisp to usher in spring and celebrate Mother’s day. Lemon crinkles are packed with flavor and pop! They pair well with a cup of tea (hot or iced, sweet or unsweet). Delicate but substatial. Cookies that bring loads of bright cheeriness with each bite!


Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are another classic cookie that I couldn’t resist including. They are one of the first cookies I learned to bake and they are hearty and wholesome. The only compaint I ever have with Oatmeal Raisin Cookies is when I pick one up, take a bite, thinking they are chocolate chip and I am quite offended! So never fear! These cookies will be properly labeled so they won’t be Chocolate Chip imposters. You will know they are delightful Oatmeal Raisin. I include a light sprinkle of seasonings to deepen their flavor profile and tantilize the tastebuds!


For those of you that don’t know, my birthday is July 1st and my favorite cookie (if I could only choose one forever) is Chocolate Chip Cookies! They are the first cookie I learned to bake on my own. They aren’t something we had in our house growing up (other than Kebler Soft Batch) and I was obsessed with making them (and Brownies). It is one of the recipes that while I have tweaked the levening and seasoning and my preparation method over the years, I have the recipe memorized. I can do it without really thinking. I also love the dough youmake for chocolate chip cookies because it is so easy to change up the flavors. Add nuts, add different flavors of chips, add candy, addspices, sprinkle infused sea salts!

For our Cookie of the Month version, it will be my classic recipe using high quality Dark Chocolate Chips. Once you have your cookies to the texture you like, the quality of the chocolate is the most important factor. I grew up using all the most cost effective store brands or the classic brand of chocolate chips that everyone knows and loves and then 6 years ago when I moved to Virginia, I splurged on a fancy bag of chocolate chips and I’ve never looked back. (Well except in desperate times when I couldn’t get any other chocolate! But even then, sometimes I buy chocolate bars). (This philosophy on high quality and dark chocolate is also applied to our Ocelot Bombs).


Peanut Butter Cookies are another one of the cookies that were one of my first favorites to make. I was intimidated by roll out cookies and I love the variety of patterns you can make ontop of them. Classic crisscross with a fork, or using various cookie stamps for other fun!

I use a smooth creamy peanut butter for the cookie of the month. They are rich and comforting, perfect for back to school!


With the cooler weather, it’s the perfect time for some S’mores. As you probably know I LOVE making marshmallows and I love eating chocolate. Well, the perfect treat for a cozy autumn is a S’more. I make homemade Graham Crackers with a little bit of cinnamon and spices. Then I pipe on fresh homemade Vanilla Bean Marshmallows and add some decadent dark chocolate.


I am a bit Halloween obsessed. So in October I turn my Monster Cookies into little monsters by adding some eyes while they are baking!

If you are less familiar with the flavor of a Monster Cookie, it’s like a Peanut Butter Cookie, Oatmeal Cookie, and Chocolate Chip Cookie had the most delightful baby!!!! I packaged them up and included them in my treat bnags for Halloween this year and the kids in my neighborhood loved them! (Daniel was also really dissappointed that he didn’t get to eat as many as he would have liked).


No Bake Cookies were my first forway into using the stovetop to make sweets. We didn’t have home economics when I was school, but we had an effective living course where we cooked on Fridays. I made this recipe over and over and over. There is still something truly comforting about each bite!


I wanted to end the year as it began. With a family recipe from my Great Great Aunt Ina. She always believed in me and encouraged me. I loved that she made even more homemade things than my Great Gram did. (She made her own soap, we used to save our bacon renederings to give her. She also made her own wine). There are many generations of incredible women in my family, and I am so appreciative of the experiances and memories with them.


Our Cookie of the Month Club can be purchased each month. It guarantees you a savings compared to ordering them from our cookies by the dozen menu.

It is also available in 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month packages which is excellent to give as a gift or to treat yourself to wonderful cookies for that duration.

It is a one-time purchase. Recurring charges will not be applied to your card.

We are now shipping within the U.S. Please choose the correct item for online ordering if you would like them to be shipped or if you would prefer to pick them up.

Our shipping is a flat rate of $5.50 per order. We are a micro-business and at our current scale this is the best we can do. If you would like a larger order to one location (ie. 2 dozen a month), please email me and I can create a custom shipping label for your purchase.

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Behind the Scenes | Updates

The Story of the Ocelots

By on 26 February, 2020

I am often asked, “why, Ocelots”? Is it because of my love of cats? Is it because I have Bengals? Or, on other occasions, I am asked, “what’s an Ocelot”? 

In honor of National Tell a Fairy Tale Day, I thought I would share the behind the scenes of how the Ocelots came to be. It isn’t technically a fairy tale, per se, but it did get its start in Germany. 

Daniel and I met while we were in the Army and stationed in Germany. I was on a small post near Schwetzingen, the Spargel (White Asparagus) Capital of the World, while Daniel was in Heidelberg, the nearest large city. 

I was assigned the additional responsibility of being in charge of my barracks building. Mostly, everyone was well behaved, and all it meant was, I made a cleaning roster, performed shared space inspections, and when Soldiers got locked out of their rooms, I had the master key card to let them back into their rooms. 

Before the end of a week, I realized the master key wasn’t working, but our housing office was unable to program a new key card until the following Tuesday. I made a big announcement at our safety briefing before we were released for the weekend, cautioning everyone not to lock themselves out of their rooms because I didn’t have a key. The only option was to call the fire department, and I informed them I listed the information on the bulletin board near my barracks room. 

On Sunday morning, Daniel was visiting for a lovely homecooked breakfast. I was excited about making some pancakes and showing off my culinary excellence (in my tiny kitchenette that I worked tirelessly to turn into a kitchen because we didn’t have a Dining Facility on my post). 

Knock Knock

I opened the door to find a distressed Soldier who locked herself out of her room. She had placed something in the door to prevent it from locking when she went to do some laundry, so I don’t even remember if she had a phone to call the fire department. 

Well, it also wasn’t just any other Soldier. She was my soldier. She was in my charge and a dear friend. And as a compassionate but mildly annoyed at not heeding my instructions Non-Commissioned Officer, I gave her a little bit of side-eye and a smile before inviting her to join us for breakfast.

Daniel looked at me a little uneasy. “Do you want me to go to the store to get some more food?” Little did he know, I ALWAYS have an incredibly well-stocked pantry. I could easily make more pancakes and eggs. 

“But do you have any orange juice or anything? I think I’d like some orange juice.”

Alas, I didn’t have any orange juice, I didn’t want him to drive the 10 miles to the grocery store and interrupt our morning plan, but he was bent on going shopping. Instead, he asked one more time if there was anything else I needed while he was out. As I thought about it, I knew some meat would be a nice compliment to the breakfast, so I asked him to pick up some Smokey Links. 

“Smoked Lynx? I don’t know where to get smoked Lynx.”

My hearing didn’t discern his meaning, and I tried to explain to him the nature of these smoked sausages that are kind of like hot dogs but even more delicious. I wondered if they weren’t a popular item in Virginia. I hadn’t spent enough time there to know. 

“I don’t know about smoked Lynx, but what about smoked Kodkod?”

Kodkod? I’m not sure what that is, but he really must not understand me. Perhaps it’s a dialect thing. “No, Smokey Links silly, the sausages!” 

“How about some smoked Caracal? Or some Colocolo, he said.” 

“No… Smokey Links,” I repeated for the 12th time. At this point, I was starting to get frustrated. What doesn’t this dude get about it? Go to the store, pick up the meat. It’s probably near the hot dogs or the bacon. It depends on the store. I had only suggested the smokey links because they are tasty, meaty, aren’t spicey, and it’s an easy cleanup. 

“What about some Jaguar?” he said. “Or even some Ocelot?” 

At the point, he mentioned Jaguars it clicked. The lightbulb turned on, and I realized he was messing with me in an extremely dorky but also endearing way. “Ooo! Some smoked Ocelot! That is what I REALLY want. That would be fantastic!” I gave him a kiss and a pat on the butt, and he was out the door and on the way to the store. 

While Daniel was out to the store, I got to work on the pancakes, set the table, and watched a little bit of Anastasia with Alicia. A full hour later, there is another knock at the door. 

Daniel is panting heavily. 

“Oh my goodness, honey, are you okay‽ What happend‽ I asked.”

“Ocelots. Are. Fast.”

Dead. I was laughing so hard. In the hour it took Daniel to make a 30-minute trip, I had forgotten entirely about the “Smoked Ocelot.”

He then proceeded to tell me this long-winded story about how he was surprised he was able to find the Ocelot in the commissary. Then he got it into his car, but when he got onto the Autobahn, he decided to put the top of the convertible down, and the Ocelot escaped. ‘Ocelots are fast.’

From that day forward, I have called him Mr. Ocelot. A week or so, he called me Mrs. Ocelot (all the pitter patters of feelings), and a couple of weeks later, he proposed. 

To be completely honest, we’re kind of weirdos about it. By which I mean, we are committed to it 😂. When we talk to each other, our hands are paws, and if we talk about children, they are cubs. Before we got engaged, we discussed it. He said a condition in getting married was that our first girl would be named Katherine because it is a family tradition. And I agreed as long as we can call her Kitty.

Another example is I used to say, “get your paws out of the food!” If Daniel tried to sneak bits before I have finished preparing a meal or treat. So maybe it’s not as weird as I led on, but we continue to keep the tradition alive.  

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Now Taking Orders!

By on 29 January, 2020

I am bubbling over with joy to announce I am officially taking local orders! If you are interested, I have created a “Custom Orders” page on the menu bar! It is complicated to include every option available, so if you are in doubt, include any thoughts or ideas in the notes section of the form.

A couple of weeks ago, I got super official and set up my business as an LLC and created all the appropriate filings to pay taxes. (I still need to get with my county. I am hoping to accomplish that in the next week or so. I want to be a good citizen and check all the blocks. I couldn’t submit that form online, and their office is 20 miles from my day job). I know that may not seem exhilarating, and paying taxes isn’t exactly on my top-10 list of exciting things, but it makes everything more “real!”

If, for some reason, the form doesn’t work (still learning about building websites), or it’s just more comfortable for you, feel free to email me your order requests! (I plan to respond to all requests within three business days). 

I’m looking forward to a beautifully sweet 2020!

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Cookie-Cutters | Updates

Custom Cookies

By on 31 December, 2019

I am so excited because I can finally make custom Cookie-Cutters! (Cue, Handel’s “Messiah”) I recently was gifted with a 3-D Printer. I am beside myself with excitement! I have had a Silhouette (craft cutting machine) for seven years and love it. When I discovered they started making 3-D printers, I knew the Silhouette Alta was on the top of my wish list. (This is not a sponsored post. Just a fangirl geeking out). I use my Silhouette for more than craft cutting; I also use it for graphic design. I’m not sure this is the intended use case, but I already have the software, and I know how to use it. (It’s how I turned my sketch of the ocelot logo into an actual logo).

I have an understanding of the software, and I trust the maker of silhouette products, plus the retail cost of the Silhouette wasn’t astronomically high, and I felt like it was a good entry point for a hobby 3-D printer. My initial goal was to earn enough bakery profits to buy the 3-D printer, but secret Santa surprised me!!!

What does this mean for Custom Cookies?

Now that I have this 3-D printer, I can design and print custom cookie cutters and cookie stamps for any occasion. I won’t have to wait to order from Etsy or Amazon. I won’t waste hours scouring page after page searching for the perfect toy soldier and end up with a fantastic toy soldier that has short legs. My creative mind can go wild, and the sky is the limit!

What are the actual limitations?

Realistically there are, of course, limitations. The print bed of the Silhouette Alta is about 5-inches in diameter. Cookie-cutters have a handle, which takes up some space, so about the largest, I can make is about a 4.5-inch square (20.25sq inches), which is an XL cookie on my menu.

I have to be cautious about the amount of detail I use in the cookie stamps. In my first design, I created a simplified Ocelot stamp and cutter. Some of the features were fine and broke off. Since I am working with edibles, this isn’t ideal. I had to go back to the drawing board and create a design that didn’t have whiskers that would be fragile.

Other than size and fine detail, I have a vast amount of flexibility, which is thrilling! Can’t find an ocelot cookie-cutter? I’m your girl. Are you looking for A narwhal wearing a birthday hat? I’m your girl! Love Stegosauruses, but can’t find a cookie-cutter in a sea of T-rex and Triceratops? You guessed it; I’m your girl!!
I can’t wait to see what awaits in 2020!

I can’t wait to see what awaits in 2020!

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Home Improvements | Updates

The Unfinished Project Continues

By on 4 March, 2018

I’m so excited! Wayfair to the rescue! I have been searching for hardware for MONTHS trying to find the perfect antique gold door and drawer pulls.

I haven’t finished painting the other doors in the kitchen yet. To read the original progress check out this link. The pollen and petals are too much outside right now, so I will have to patiently wait through this season. I feel like I made HUGE progress without breaking the bank. I knew with the 40 pulls I couldn’t choose hardware that was over $5 per piece. (31 cabinet doors in the kitchen, plus 5 drawers). I ended up splurging and getting 4 extras for the laundry room to match.

These guys were sold in 10 packs and as individuals for about $1.60 each. I was pleased as punch!

Daniel did have to make some adjustments. The screw that goes through the door wasn’t the right length, so he got some extras and cut them to size. (Thank you , thank you, thank you!)

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Behind the Scenes | Home Improvements | Updates

Knowing When to Call for Help: An Ocelot’s Guide to Fear

By on 7 January, 2018

Some Ocelots are Scaredy Cats!

We hit some record cold temperatures over the weekend. Our pipes froze overnight and we knew we needed to thaw them out. Daniel refused to go under the house in the crawl space, so I volunteered. I got dressed in ALL of the layers of clothes and topped it off with a hat with a clip-on lamp, and a heat gun.

Unfortunately, Daniel seemed to be confused about which pipe was water and which pipes are the gas line, the house also seemed like a maze underneath, and I felt less and less confident being under the house with a tiny light clipped to a hat. I aborted my mission, and thankfully we had a cousin come to our rescue.

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