Baked Goods | Cake | Wedding | Weddings

Any Way You Slice It: Fascinating Cake Cutting Traditions

By on 28 April, 2021

The cake is one of the most iconic parts of the wedding reception. The newly weds make their first entrance as a married couple. The first dance, dancing with parents, bouquet toss, garter toss, and cake cutting are some of the most key elements of the modern wedding reception.

When a couple cuts their wedding cake, it is a symbol of the first thing they do as a married couple. In my opinion, this alleviates a lot of the pressure. (What’s the first thing you did as a couple?) There’s no awkward pause. You just know that it’s cutting the cake.

How to cut the cake

A general theme I fully believe in, is do whatever feels right between you and your partner. Everything doesn’t have to be the conventional, traditional, or historical approach. However, sometimes this knowledge can make things sweeter.

It is a common practice for the groom to place his hand over the bride’s when cutting the cake. This symbolizes his promise to support her and her promise to take care of him and their family.

Where to cut the cake

Couples are often encouraged to cut from the bottom tier of the cake. This is to symbolize the longevity and continuity in their marriage. (I see many couples cut the top tier. It is often simpler, and a more logical choice for serving.

Cake Cutting No Nos!

Caution, DON’T cut your top tier if you are planning on saving it for your first anniversary. This isn’t as common of a practice, but, don’t cut the cake you intend on saving.

Don’t try to slice through the entire cake!!! I cannot repeat this enough. There are cake boards and possibly other structures within the cake so it doesn’t collapse. (You would be surprised how heavy most cakes are). As you are cutting, if you feel resistance, stop. If this happens just as you begin to slice, you may have inadvertently attempted to slice where there is a dowel supporting the tier above.

Anyway you slice it!

The couple will cut a slice of the cake. (Posing for photos along the way). This is where most modern cake cutting ends (for the couple). They feed each other some cake, and often a caterer or a loving family member will come to slice the remainder of the cake.

Some older traditions include the couple cutting and serving the cake to their guests, but this has mostly gone out of fashion as weddings have many more guests.

When to cut the cake

You can schedule it whenever you think is best. My suggestion is first thing. Then it can continue to be sliced while your guests are having their meal. (And it truly is your first activity as a married couple).

This also frees up guests to leave when they are ready. People generally stay through the cake cutting, but your grandparents may be accustomed to earlier bed times. Additionally, it means, once your band (or DJ) starts playing, the party portion of the evening doesn’t have to stop to cut the cake. (Win! Win!)

Serving Size Slices

Paralysis often sets in when it comes to cutting the cake into equal slices. Larger cakes (especially over 6″ diameter) can be cut into squares instead of slicing the cake like a pie. A slice of wedding cake is 1W” x 2D” x 4H” (Width, Depth, Height).

If you would like a cake cutting guide, I am happy to supply options along with your cake order!

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Baked Goods | Cake | Wedding | Weddings

We’re Thrilled Wedding Season is in Full Swing!

By on 21 April, 2021

I had my first wedding order completed over the weekend, and I’m looking forward to sharing more answers, questions, and the behind-the-scenes of Wedding Season! My garden is in full bloom, and so are all these budding marriages!

Cake Philosophy

I am in love with love. I have always been a dreamy-eyed romantic. I have an overabundance of love and take the greatest pleasure when I can infuse it into my baking. I only bake ONE wedding cake a week. I am a solo shop, and I want my full attention on one couple at a time.

When I bake (or create anything that will be a gift). I think of the couple or recipient. I make an effort to capture their essence. I think of the happiness they will share for a lifetime. I also pray for them. I believe that this positive and loving energy is baked in and is part of the experience. I am a person full of emotions, and I don’t bake for others when I’m unsettled. (I take time to play piano, sing, take a walk through my gardens, pray, and/or call friends and family before beginning to work on projects). As important I feel it is to include all the Love + Joy when I bake, I am cautious to not let any of my negative emotions infuse into my work.

2020 was a Wet Blanket

By February of 2020, just a month after I launched my website publicly. (I had been toying with it for a few years). I had THREE weddings booked. I was thrilled. I began dreaming bigger goals! (One wedding per month!) Then as we all know, 2020 didn’t go as planned. Unfortunately, only one of my three weddings took place.

I know how hard this has been for all the brides and grooms. They are ready to get married, plus newly engaged couples are struggling to secure plans because of the backlog of 2020 weddings. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Weddings are stressful enough without the additional challenges.

My other two weddings have been rescheduled (one is this weekend!!! I’m in the midst of making now!!) and another has been added!

I am looking forward to making spectacular memories for my joyous couples.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can look forward to EVERY Wednesday through at least September!

Wedding Cake Alternatives
Wedding Cake Prices and Budgeting for your cakes
How to cut cakes
The history and traditions that go along with wedding cakes
DIY Tips
Cake design trends and designs I’m obsessed with
Cake Flavors
Gauging the amount of cake for your event
Cake Tastings
Groom’s Cakes
Themed & Character Cakes
Secret Ingredients
Cake Delivery
Cake Flavors
Gauging the amount of cake for your event
Cake Tasting Questions

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Behind the Scenes | Updates

How One Small Business Pivoted Into Three

By on 27 November, 2020

Over the past few months there have been quite a few developments to our Social Media as well as a few smaller changes to our website. I thought I would take some time today to address these changes.

My Entreprenurial Journey

In October of 2019, I started my cottage bakery. In January, I went legit with my business (articles of incorporation, LLC, taxes, etc). I had big dreams and plans for 2020. Since I haven’t been blessed with children, I intened on putting my extra time and love into this venture to share my love of homemade sweets with my community. I had a few brithday cakes booked as well as three weddings by the end of February. Things were off to a good start.

My intention was to continue blogging alongside the bakery with all of the other homemade/ handmade creations. Then 2020 threw all of us a giant curveball that we’re all tired of hearing about and hopeful to move beyond.

I still shared some on my IG and FB pages. I still baked for any requested orders. I wasn’t sure how to navigate the new reality. I didn’t want to encourage gatherings. I didn’t want to turn away business. So I focused on my life at home. I worked from home for my day job for the first three months. I spent time outside in my gardens every weekend and most evenings.

Fairly early, I realized I needed a solution to protect my hair from all of my yard debris, so I started making Multiclavas (Read What’s a Multiclava). Along the way I realized I could also wear my Multiclavas as masks in a more stylish and comfortable way.

Purrl’s Pawtique is Born

Due to my sewing frenzy making an assortment of Multiclavas, my gal pal Carri who makes AMAZING Dog Collars, Leashes, and other Accessories at Collars By Carri suggested I try making some bandanas for pets.

I knew I had the sewing skills, but I wasn’t sure if I was the right person to market bandanas. I don’t have a dog. Do cats wear bandanas? We are the Ocelots’ Den after all.

I made a couple prototype bandanas for Purrl and to my surprise, she actually LOVES them! I mean she doesn’t love them as much as she loves treats, but she doesn’t throw herself on the floor like they weigh 100 pounds and she can’t get up nor does she try to take them off. Sometimes she gets upset when I try to take them off before bedtime.

I decided to call that a win! I looked through my stash of fabric. Any of you other creative types can relate I’m sure. You have some fabric remnants, or projects you were going to make, but they just haven’t come to fruition just yet. I created our first tiny collection.

I was posting them along with sweets, cocktails, dinners, and my multiclavas. And I kept thinking about it and thinking about it. While I liked the ease of only managing one IG and FB page I needed a change. I needed to branch out and make a seperate brand for the bandanas. The multiclavas could live under the same brand and Purrl was an excellent Brand Ambassador and Chief Entertainment officer. My intuition was confirmed when I was chatting with my gal pal Carri later the same week.

I took a little bit of time, but I quickly came up with the name Purrl’s Pawtique since she was the main inspiration. She is a huge part of my homelife and I love spoiling her. She’s also incredibly precious and photogenic when she is in the mood. I created a new logo and we were off to the races!

A Third Venture Begins

In September, I had a client request a couple of Get Out the Vote style Bandanas supporting their candidate for their pooches. The small capitalist in me said “Sure!” I’ll make something cute and get back to you.

I had already set my Halloween line up at that point and I had launched a small Autumn Collection but I had recently discovered Spoonflower where I could submit my own desings and create truly custom fabric. The other benefit is I can always reorder fabric when it goes out of stock. This isn’t always the case at my local fabric stores. So while the fabric is a little more expensive, I LOVED that I could have fabric that is exactly as I imagine!

I got to sketching immediately. My client loved it and since there weren’t any other “cute or pretty” versions of fabric that I could find for her candidate, it actually started selling in my Spoonflower shop. (Which meant that I got a little commssion)!

I wanted to make sure to have a few other options for political parties so I made several for a Get Out the Vote Collection.

When it was time to think about Thanksgiving, I made the Collection from our own designs, Autumn Jewels, Friendsgiving, and Feast Your Pies on This. (I used the Friendsgiving Turkey in my cupcake toppers last Thanksgiving and I couldn’t wait to put them on a bandana).

Now that some of my designs were starting to sell a little bit, I decided to design all of my fabric. All of my designs aren’t perfect for bandanas, so I set up The Ocelots’ Den: Handmade Home (@ODHandmadeHome). Same parent brand, new channel. If you would like to buy fabric in my prints, living and decor items, or even as wall paper you can head over to my Spoonflower Shop.

Beyond Blessed

This year has had many ups, downs, and uncertainties. Owning a small business has been a challenge and I am blessed that business has started to pick up in my various ventures. I can’t wait to see where life leads me over the next year and I’m thankful for everyone that are so incdedibly supportive of my creative passions. Cakes, Cookies, Confections, Chocolate, Bandanas, Surface Design & more!

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Baked Goods | Cookies | Treats | Updates

Oh Happy Day! Welcome to Cookie of the Month

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We are thrilled to announce our cookie of the month club! It has been a labor of love to figure out the best flavors and recipes for each month. What better way to let someone know you are thinking of them every month than cookies made with love!

Sugar Cookies

My Great Great Aunt Ina was one of my Great Grams’ best friends. We spent a lot of time visiting her as children. She lived in the country so we played out in the woods or we played card games and Rummicube. When we would come back inside, there were cookie tubs on a couple of low shelves in the mud room. We would all sneak some cookies on our way in as well as on our way out.

As I got older, my brothers moved to live with our mom. When Gram and I would visit Aunt Ina we would work on our crocheting and still play our games, but Aunt Ina realized my interest in cooking and baking so she would share her recipes with me and we would watch Martha Stewart on TV. I would marvel at the interesting cookies Martha made. (One cookie called for Wheat Germ and I’d never heard of such a strange thing).

While Great Gram was an excellent cook, and baked well, she only baked cookies for Christmas. (Side note, she baked ALL the cookies. Seriously, I don’t know how she did it. There were at least a dozen varieties so everyone had their favorites and she shared them with all four generations of our family, plus other friends).

Aunt Ina on the other hand loved to bake cookies. So she took the time to teach me about rolling out the dough. Cutting them out. How to flour my board or counter and my rolling pin. How you could use just about anything to cut out a cookie if you were in a pinch.

Her sugar cookies are truly magical. They are so light and fluffy. I used to use them for my decorated Sugar cookies because IMHO they are the most supreme sugar cookie in the world, but due to their rise and amazing texture they have a rounded top, which unfortunately isn’t ideal for specially decorated cookies. (For inquiring minds, my decorated sugar cookies are now between a sugar cookie and shortbread in texture and still have a delightful flavor. I’ve asked my favorite taste testers plus a few other people to sample to ensure they are still a high quality cookie).

My heart knew I wanted to keep these Sugar Cookies on my menu and were part of my inspiration for creating the cookie of the month club! Sugar Cookies are a truly classic cookie that I think are a nice palate cleanser for the beginning of the new year. They are like a delicious blank slate after the indulgence, decadence, and deep spice flavors of the holidays.

Chocolate Cookies

February is all about the chocolate and hearts. Whether you want to share with the ones that you love, or add some extra love into your own life. If I had to choose one sweet for the rest of my life it would with out a doubt be chocolate. I find it so comforting and often chuckle to myself when I think about the use of Chocolate after a dementor attack in the Harry Potter season, because when I make big moves, or need to do something out of my comfort zone a piece of chocolate makes the world right again.

A couple of years ago, I wanted to make some special St. Patrick’s Day treats for my office and the idea struck me. I know Rice Cereal Treats are a classic desert, but could they be made with Lucky Charms?

What would happen to the marshmallows that are already in the cereal? Would the melt into an ugly blob when they mixed with the melted marshmallows? Would I need to adjust the amount of marshmallows? Would they be too sweet? I became obsessed. I decided instead of continuing to worry or question if it could work or how it would work, I should just try and then make my adjustments.

My end result was a glorious treat! My colleagues loved them and even though I don’t like rice cereal treats (I know I’m an outlier here) I LOVED them too! I figured I would enjoy them since after all they were full of Lucky Charms, and they are my favorite cereal. (Want more info on my love affair with Lucky Charms? Check out my Lucky 13).

Now my colleagues ask me ahead of time, “when is it going to be Charms Treats time?” And that fills me heart with joy.


At least two of my favorite people have April Birthdays and I have spent most of my adult life living far away from my family. College and then off into the Army all over the world, and now I’m in Virginia where I don’t have any of my familial connections. For my local family (especially my nephews) I bake them cakes. As a micro business, I don’t know how to ship a cake in the mail and it seems cost prohibitive on a small scale. So I have developed Birthday Cake Cookies!! I CAN ship cookies in the mail!

I have 13 nieflings (nieces and nephews) and I love them all SO very much. Even the ones I haven’t met, from the time I learn about them, they have a place in their auntie’s heart the same as the neiflings that I do know have have relationships with. I truly wish I could fly home for each one of their birthdays and bake them cakes. I did bake the Irish Twins a birthday cake for their 2/3 birthdays TEN years ago because I happened to be home on leave, but the timing hasn’t lined up since. (Plus now there are just so many babies 😍🥰 which is an amazing blessing, but since I have a FT career as well, it only allows 10 vacation days per year).


After a piece of chocolate, I think what Moms really want is something a little sweet and sour. Light and Crisp to usher in spring and celebrate Mother’s day. Lemon crinkles are packed with flavor and pop! They pair well with a cup of tea (hot or iced, sweet or unsweet). Delicate but substatial. Cookies that bring loads of bright cheeriness with each bite!


Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are another classic cookie that I couldn’t resist including. They are one of the first cookies I learned to bake and they are hearty and wholesome. The only compaint I ever have with Oatmeal Raisin Cookies is when I pick one up, take a bite, thinking they are chocolate chip and I am quite offended! So never fear! These cookies will be properly labeled so they won’t be Chocolate Chip imposters. You will know they are delightful Oatmeal Raisin. I include a light sprinkle of seasonings to deepen their flavor profile and tantilize the tastebuds!


For those of you that don’t know, my birthday is July 1st and my favorite cookie (if I could only choose one forever) is Chocolate Chip Cookies! They are the first cookie I learned to bake on my own. They aren’t something we had in our house growing up (other than Kebler Soft Batch) and I was obsessed with making them (and Brownies). It is one of the recipes that while I have tweaked the levening and seasoning and my preparation method over the years, I have the recipe memorized. I can do it without really thinking. I also love the dough youmake for chocolate chip cookies because it is so easy to change up the flavors. Add nuts, add different flavors of chips, add candy, addspices, sprinkle infused sea salts!

For our Cookie of the Month version, it will be my classic recipe using high quality Dark Chocolate Chips. Once you have your cookies to the texture you like, the quality of the chocolate is the most important factor. I grew up using all the most cost effective store brands or the classic brand of chocolate chips that everyone knows and loves and then 6 years ago when I moved to Virginia, I splurged on a fancy bag of chocolate chips and I’ve never looked back. (Well except in desperate times when I couldn’t get any other chocolate! But even then, sometimes I buy chocolate bars). (This philosophy on high quality and dark chocolate is also applied to our Ocelot Bombs).


Peanut Butter Cookies are another one of the cookies that were one of my first favorites to make. I was intimidated by roll out cookies and I love the variety of patterns you can make ontop of them. Classic crisscross with a fork, or using various cookie stamps for other fun!

I use a smooth creamy peanut butter for the cookie of the month. They are rich and comforting, perfect for back to school!


With the cooler weather, it’s the perfect time for some S’mores. As you probably know I LOVE making marshmallows and I love eating chocolate. Well, the perfect treat for a cozy autumn is a S’more. I make homemade Graham Crackers with a little bit of cinnamon and spices. Then I pipe on fresh homemade Vanilla Bean Marshmallows and add some decadent dark chocolate.


I am a bit Halloween obsessed. So in October I turn my Monster Cookies into little monsters by adding some eyes while they are baking!

If you are less familiar with the flavor of a Monster Cookie, it’s like a Peanut Butter Cookie, Oatmeal Cookie, and Chocolate Chip Cookie had the most delightful baby!!!! I packaged them up and included them in my treat bnags for Halloween this year and the kids in my neighborhood loved them! (Daniel was also really dissappointed that he didn’t get to eat as many as he would have liked).


No Bake Cookies were my first forway into using the stovetop to make sweets. We didn’t have home economics when I was school, but we had an effective living course where we cooked on Fridays. I made this recipe over and over and over. There is still something truly comforting about each bite!


I wanted to end the year as it began. With a family recipe from my Great Great Aunt Ina. She always believed in me and encouraged me. I loved that she made even more homemade things than my Great Gram did. (She made her own soap, we used to save our bacon renederings to give her. She also made her own wine). There are many generations of incredible women in my family, and I am so appreciative of the experiances and memories with them.


Our Cookie of the Month Club can be purchased each month. It guarantees you a savings compared to ordering them from our cookies by the dozen menu.

It is also available in 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month packages which is excellent to give as a gift or to treat yourself to wonderful cookies for that duration.

It is a one-time purchase. Recurring charges will not be applied to your card.

We are now shipping within the U.S. Please choose the correct item for online ordering if you would like them to be shipped or if you would prefer to pick them up.

Our shipping is a flat rate of $5.50 per order. We are a micro-business and at our current scale this is the best we can do. If you would like a larger order to one location (ie. 2 dozen a month), please email me and I can create a custom shipping label for your purchase.

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Handmade | Home Improvements

Designing, Building, And Sewing An Affordable Custom Handcrafted Bench

By on 12 August, 2020

Backstory: First Comes Table!

I’ve had a round glass top table in my kitchen since we moved in. My great gram gave it to me when I got my first apartment in college. It had previously been at our cottage as long as I can remember, and before that, it was at grams’ vacation home in Florida. As much as I LOVE this table, it isn’t practical for this space. It didn’t seat enough people but seemed to take up too much space.

I started searching for table options after living in our house for around six months. I know I’m rather particular, and I also try to be thrifty, so the sooner I started looking and honing in on options, the better prepared I could be when I was ready to pull the trigger. I wanted something adjustable so that I could add a leaf or two for holidays, but on the regular a table that seats 6 was ideal. I’m also insanely picky about the apron of tables. When I sit down, I HAVE to be able to cross my legs in all positions. 🤣 It’s perfectly acceptable for a table to be a little on the taller side to accommodate this.

I eventually found a beautiful table at Pier 1, but I wasn’t ready to pull the trigger. It was over $600 😕. So I kept it on the back burner and kept an eye out at my favorite thrift spots for something French Country, English Cottage… but most of those options were equally pricey or just not quite right. Years passed, and last winter, I was ready to pull the trigger on the table from Pier 1 or start the online search again. Hallelujah! They still had the table, and it was on sale for $290! But then it wasn’t available for shipping or pick-up locally. I did some digging and discovered it was in stock in Raleigh, NC, so I placed my order for pick up! (Bonus! I was able to deliver some cookies and cupcakes and have lunch with one of my besties!)

Second Comes the Chairs

Once I had a table, I knew I would need some proper chairs. That wasn’t iron and didn’t snag my clothes. My beloved glass-top table and chairs would live in my gazebo, and possibly come out on the deck should we need it. I casually kept an eye out for chairs. I never seemed to find anything I liked. I didn’t want anything fancy, a simple, sturdy wooden chair that I can clean easily. A local store was going out of business, and it was my lucky day!!! They had four sturdy wooden chairs that were on super-clearance! It was serendipity! The color is a little more yellowed-off-white than I would like, but a coat of paint is a simple fix whenever I get the time or inclination to change it.

With only 4 chairs, I knew I wanted to also have a bench under the window and should I need to sit 10 at the table, I could borrow 2 of my iron chairs. I would have space for 18 for a sit down dinner! Eight in the dining room and ten in the kitchen!

The Bench

Daniel agreed to make a bench that fit the space. I gave him free rein to make it up to a specific width. I just wanted it centered on the window, and I need to be able to open the cupboard next to where the bench would be. True to Daniel’s nature, he was able to turn my vision into a reality and improve upon my conceptual design.

We knew we would need to route the floor vents for the central air through the bench. It would take up some of my storage space, but I think it’s a little more effective at cooling. (We’ll see how I feel about the heat after a winter). He also had the AMAZING idea to run an outlet to the end of the bench. There was an outlet below the center of the window, which is where I plugged in my kitchen robot. With it at the end of the bench, it’s easier to get to, and I see it to use more regularly! It’s also super hand for charging devices while I’m working at the kitchen table having a snack!

There’s plenty of storage for my big bulky items that I don’t use daily (like my air-compressor, airbrushes, and backup crockpot).

Crafting a Custom Cushion


Due to the very custom nature of this piece of furniture, Daniel had some choices to make it appear square. The floors aren’t perfectly level, and the walls aren’t perfectly perpendicular to the tile. Long story short, one end of the bench is slightly narrower than the other. Visually it isn’t discernable to me. The bench is just over 88″ wide, so the ends are far enough apart that it’s more important for the other angles to be “squared” off. It works. It’s beautiful.

The down-side of this extremely custom bench is I have to make a custom cushion. Making cushions isn’t a wildly tricky process. Especially square (rectangle) ones, but this is technically an irregular quadrilateral. An additional challenge I hadn’t thought of was the lack of supplies at my local craft stores. They were SOLD OUT of craft foam aside from 5″-thick, and it was only 72″ long so that I would need two pieces cut. It was going to be incredibly expensive. More expensive than I realized. Alas, I started searching online to see if there was something, and my searches resulted in costly cushions.

Since I was back to the drawing board, and looking online, I decided to see if I could buy craft foam online. I was hoping for 88″ and 3″ thick. My good friend Amazon had a spectacular deal on a single piece of 4″ thick foam that would deliver to me in a week. I would have to cut it, but it was much more cost-effective than my local craft store (by 70%).

4″ Foam Cushion Ready to be Measured

I started looking at various fabrics and zippers. I wanted to be able to change the cushion cover as well as clean it. I went to my local Jo-Ann’s and found some fabrics I thought were funny (but certainly not approved by Daniel). I found a couple of okay upholstery fabrics, but nothing that resonated with me. The lack of inspiration in stores led me to expand my search online. No dice. It is tough to look at material online.

In preparation for baking my birthday cake, I stopped at Hobby Lobby for a could of supplies. Since I was already there, I decided to take a gander at their fabric section to see what they had available. I felt underwhelmed by anything classified as an upholstery fabric.

Purrl is Smiling, and “helping”

Perhaps people aren’t doing DIY upholstery, maybe it is sold out due to COVID-19, or there are better fabric shops to search, but I did happen upon this GLORIOUS fabric!!!!! I didn’t think Daniel would approve of it, but he was off to Deltaville for the week, and it was my birthday week, so I did what I wanted and bought 4 yards of it!!! (I could use it for SO many things. I’m easily convinced). The fabric ended up being a little narrower than I anticipated. I hadn’t calculated the 4″ thickness, only the seam allowances. 😂 I ended up going back to the store for more. 🙄

The last supply I needed to source for this project was an extremely long zipper. I knew the back measurement of the cushion was 88-inches, so I figured I would see what I could find around that size. (Also, I had to consider what was in stock, thanks pandemic). My general rule of thumb is to buy a bigger size rather than a smaller. I can always make a zipper shorter, but Stuffing a giant cushion I didn’t want to skimp on the length.

I was able to find a zipper that was exactly 88″, but it wasn’t going to be delivered for 2-3 weeks. I was pretty bummed and began to accept this fate as our “new normal” but decided to keep searching for a few more minutes, just in case I could find something. I was eager to complete this project.

Low and behold I hit the zipper JACKPOT! Have y’all heard about zipper by the yard? No idea what I’m talking about? I’m about to blow your mind!!! You can literally buy a roll of 10 YARDS of zipper with sliders and pulls! You feed your sliders onto your zipper tape, cut to measure, and voila! You have a custom length zipper!!!!!! (I’m slightly oversimplifying and skipping the sewing steps. You need to sew your own stopper on the end. Reach out on social media or email me with questions, or find a good youtube video).

Zipper by the Roll!

For those of you that have bought zippers for your sewing projects, you know the cost can add up quickly. My 10 yards of zipper tape came with 25 sliders and pulls. The total cost was also only $1 more than buying the 88″ zipper. Additional bonus, you can thread the sliders on BOTH directions. So you can make bags and luggage-style zipper closures. My mind exploded with excitement! Where were these all my life! Why hadn’t I ever seen them? Who is keeping this secret?! (Clearly not me. I am telling everyone I can about some zippers now. 🤣)

Let the Making Begin!

I was ecstatic to have all of my materials to make my bench. My first step was to cut the foam down to size. Measure twice, cut once. Seriously. This foam cushion was the most expensive part of my purchase. (If I ever have another foam cutting project I will be investing in a hot knife or researching better practices for cutting foam, learn from my mistakes).

I drew my nice straight line and cut with nice SHARP fabric scissors. It was a little jagged. But I decided that would just be the back edge of the cushion. NBD right? Looks pretty good down there! 🤷‍♀️(Stay tuned friends. I made my job more difficult).

I marked my square corner. I can’t turn the cushion because of my cut and the irregularity of the quadrilateral.

With my approximately perfectly cut cushion, it was time to roll out the fabric and start making cuts!! I used the cushion itself as my pattern. I gave myself a 2″ seam allowance. I knew I had excess material, and I wanted lots of wiggle room with this beast.

Sewing (especially on such a large scale) is very difficult with a precocious kitty. Purrl had to help with EVERYTHING. Eventually, Purrl had to be placed in her en suite, so I could get my measuring and cutting completed. I cut two pieces the size of the top (plus that 2″ seam allowance).

For the sides, I wanted as few seams as possible. So I made one long piece that wrapped from short end around the front and to the other short end. Then I cut a strip for the backside of the cushion but included a more generous seam allowance because I needed to split it to insert the zipper.

With my zipper piece sewn into place, I had all of my elements prepared to assemble the actual cushion cover! Purrl was ready too.

Purrl was desperate to help with this project. I laid out my material once more on my cushion. It was cut with a couple generous inches of inseam. I knew I would need to line up the top and bottom pieces as well as the front and back lengths. (As we all know by now, I have a LOT of irregular quadrilaterals to contend with).

Typically, when sewing a simple cushion cover, the top and bottom pieces are EXACTLY the same size. They are also relatively symmetrical. So the top piece and the bottom piece of fabric are interchangeable. The largest perk of having a even lengths on your corresponding sides (matching lengths, widths, and height) is it mean you can pin everything in place with the fabric inside out. Stitch your new perfectly snug seams, and then you have a perfect fitting cushion.

I made adjustments as I went, but used this same principle to get the job done. After all, I probably only have one guest who regularly comes to my house that sews, and she isn’t going to judge me harshly for this!

Look at that Golden Zipper!!

I finished sewing the top piece to the sides and decided it was time to call it a night. Purrl, on the other hand, was rather proud of her accomplishment and had to reign queen of the cushion.

The next morning I got up ready to attack the day and finish off my cushion. I had planned meticulously. It was a little harder than I imagined to place the last puzzle piece, due to all of the irregularities. My square corner would move when I flipped the material inside out to pin everything in place. Finally I decided, the best is the enemy of the good. I would proceed as I originally intended and hope for the best.

I flipped the fabric inside out and placed the last piece of material over the cushion pinning everything in place. I was cautious to keep straight lines on my cut edge and not to stick the pins through the cushion itself. Once the pinning was complete, I carefully unzipped and removed the cushion from the cover. My full-length zipper worked like a charm!!!! (I literally did a happy dance around the kitchen).

Finally, it was time to stitch the remaining seam! I was about 5-inches from finishing when my bobbin ran out of thread. I took a gander at my spool, and it was running on fumes. I tried to split the difference as best I could and hoped it would be enough thread to complete the job. PTL (praise the Lord) it was enough! I didn’t want to make an emergency run to the craft store if I didn’t need to.

Finishing Touches

The last step was to stuff the cushion back in the slipcover! I checked the fit, and for any places, the seams weren’t holding or if I had misaligned the material in the sewing process. There was one small spot (about an inch wide) near a corner I busted out a needle and my remaining thread to sew by hand. I knew I didn’t have any more bobbin thread, and in the interest of time and effort, I figured my hand stitches wouldn’t be noticeable to anyone else in such a small space on such a LARGE project.

I am in LOVE with this bright, floral, and preppy print in my kitchen. I was concerned it might be too pink and too feminine for the rest of the dwellers in the house, or that I might not love it as much on the GIANT scale. I am so glad I took the risk!

It feels fantastic to have this project COMPLETED!!! Purrl is obviously over the moon about it too. She loves anywhere cozy to sit. In the last year, she (me) has gotten fancy chairs in the parlor to snuggle in when I play the piano, houndstooth chairs, and a stool in my craft office where she likes to nap and keep my company when I’m working at my computer, and now this super cozy bench. Clearly, all of these things are JUST for Purrl. She does look particularly posh, preppy, and happy in all of “her” new spaces.

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What’s a Multiclava

By on 15 July, 2020


I spend a fair amount of time in my garden using my chipper/ shredder. There are so many leaves, branches, twigs, and trimmings to process every year. This spring, I needed a solution to protect my hair. As other curly girls know, washing our hair every day, or multiple times a day isn’t always the best choice for our curls. Unfortunately, if my hair is getting yard debris, leaves, twigs, dirt, and mold-blown in tiny particles from the chipper, I have no other choice than to wash as soon as I come inside.

I searched and searched for various ideas for how to make a hair scarf that would work like my Hair Kerchiefs of the late 90s 😂, but completely covered my hair. Surely something already existed that could solve my problem.

I kept coming up with blanks. I didn’t want a bandanna or a headband (even though they look cute). Then FB’s algorithm figured it out for me. (SMH). They showed me an ad for a knit tube scarf/ face shield. They had fun patterns, silly faces, patriotic choices, bright colors. I thought I was all set…

Unfortunately, all the colors and patterns I was interested in that they advertised weren’t available. They had some high visibility Yellow which 1. would look terrible on me, and 2. reminds me of a PT belt (any other vets out there? you know what I’m talking about. Not cute, but a little funny).

So I went back to the drawing board. Everything seemed to be out of stock because the tube scarves made good* face masks. They are multipurpose and functional. I tried to search for some name brands, which I was able to find (Buff has some great options). Nothing was in stock. I needed to be out in my garden. Buffs were also a little on the pricey side for buying something I hadn’t seen in person and didn’t know if I was going to enjoy them. ($20-35 depending on the style, print, supply vs. demand. Additionally, some of the higher-priced choices include mosquito repellent).

After looking at the specs, I decided to make myself some. I just needed some stretchy fabric. So I went online and looked at Jo-Ann Fabrics. I was able to place a curbside order and bring home a few options to see what would work. (First time in my life buying fabric without seeing it in person or touching it. It was a risky choice, but I felt it was a safer bet to buy 5 separate yards of some things and see what I could come up with).

*My definition of good is in regards to fit, style, and function. These are not medical grade and cannot guarantee 100% anti-virus protection*

What is a Multiclava?

A multiclava can go by many other names. Neck gaitor/ gator, tube scarf, face shield, etc.

It’s a stretchy tube scarf that can be worn multiple ways.

  • Slouched around your neck as a neckerchief.
  • Pulled up on your neck as a Scarf
  • Pulled up over your mouth like a Gaitor
  • Pulled up over your nose (doubled) as a FaceMask
  • Pulled over your head as a Hood
  • A Headband
  • A Diadem (Hairband)
  • A Balaclava
  • A Hair tie
  • A Blindfold/ Sleep Mask
  • Accessorize your Dog
  • Wrap around your wrist as a Wristband
  • A Sarhaine
  • A Beanie/Hat
  • A Beanie/Hat with a pull-through for your Ponytail!
  • Buccaneer
  • Hair Scarf

Why Multiclavas?

I have fallen in love with my multiclavas. They work great for keeping the debris out of my hair while I’m gardening and the sweat off of my face too!

Through the height of the pandemic, March – June, I worked remotely. As things began to open back up, those telecommuting were required to come back into the office. There are lots of elevator trips and I wasn’t sure how I was going to navigate the new normal.

The easiest thing for me was to make myself a collection of fun multiclavas that I could wear as cute neckerchiefs to coordinate with my business attire. (I work in an environment of suits and being dressed up, which I enjoy). That level of vanity is at the forefront of my mind. When I have to be in close proximity to others and anytime I’m on the elevator; I pull up my mask. I sanitize my hands if I touch anything, and relax it back down when I am isolated again. I’m probably considered overly cautious to many, and I can accept that. I’m very asthmatic, and I’ve taken a trip to the hospital in the last year for my breathing, so it’s easier for me to go about my life this way.

Now Available for Purchase!!!

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Dumplings on Dumplings on Dumplings

By on 13 July, 2020
Dumplings with Ponzu Sauce and a Giant Grapefruit Smash

I’m a lover of food, (obvi) and I love making fun and new recipes or combining various techniques to make something better. Last summer, I had been looking for some quick and healthy meals that could be made in 30 minutes (or under an hour). I don’t recall where I got the recipe, but should I remember, I’ll post an update!

I found a recipe for some easy Asian Meatballs in Lettuce Wraps. Essentially, it’s the filling recipe below, roll them into balls and pan fry. They are packed full of veggies and it’s quick and easy. (Wrap with some Bib Lettuce and serve with some rice may be a little ponzu or another sauce). It got me thinking about dumplings (Gyoza, Potstickers etc).

One day I need to do some more research to see why they have so many different names. Is it the method of preparation? fried versus steamed? or are they less similar than I am currently aware of?

For now, I needed to learn how to make the dough and prepare the dumplings with my filling!

Making the individual dumplings isn’t a quick and easy meal. If you want quick and easy, stick with the lettuce wraps. Making the dough and forming the dumplings isn’t hard, but it is much more time-intensive. I like to make these as a treat on a weekend.

Tip: If you are cooking for two or want to make a double recipe. These freeze really well! I prepare everything through the boiling stage. I let them cool and then freeze on a tray before putting in a freezer bag for an incredibly delightful meal on a weeknight. Pull them out of the freezer just like the ones you can buy at the store! (Heat some oil in your pan, add your dumplings and a tablespoon or 2 of water. Put on a lid and cook on medium for about 5 minutes. Flip and cook another 2-5 minutes).


  • 2 C Flour
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt
  • 1/2 C Boiling Water
  • 1/2 C Cold Water


  • 1 Lb. Ground Pork (or chicken, or whatever meat your <3 desires)
  • 16oz bag of Coleslaw Mix (or chop some cabbage and julienne on your own carrots)
  • Grated Ginger (about an inch chunk, heaping tablespoon)
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Additional Ingredients:

  • Sesame Oil (or other oil on hand)
  • Ponzu Sauce (for dipping)


  1. For the dough: Stir the flour and salt in a heat-safe bowl. (Or stand mixer bowl). Slowly pour the boiling water while stirring. (which is why I use the stand mixer).  It should resemble a coarse meal texture. Stir in the cold water to form a dough.
  2. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for about 10 minutes, adding more flour as needed. The dough should become smooth but will remain a little sticky. Cover the dough with a damp towel and let it rest for 20 minutes while you make the filling.
  3. For the filling: pour the entire bag of coleslaw in a microwave-proof bowl. Microwave for 5 minutes. While it’s cooking, grate the ginger, add the salt and a generous amount of pepper (you can add more or less to taste. I LOVE ginger). Combine all the ingredients.
  4. I use a cookie scoop to portion my meat. (my 1-1/2″ scoop made 21 even portions).
  5. Fill a large pot and bring it to a boil.
  6. To assemble the dumplings, divide the dough into 21balls (or the same number as your meat portions).  Roll them out into ~4-inch circles. Place the filling in the center of each and fold into a half-moon shape, pleating the edges to seal properly.
  7. Heat a thin layer of sesame oil in a large skillet.  Boil the dumplings in batches for 4 minutes. Carefully remove dumplings with a slotted spoon or wire skimmer strainer, allow the excess water to drip into the pot, and transfer to the hot skillet. (Caution, water drips in the hot pan can splatter). Cook until the dumplings are browned.

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Baked Goods | Cookie-Cutters | Cookies | Holiday | Spring | St. Patrick's Day | Treats

Lucky 13: The Thrilling Quest for Magical Cookies

By on 9 March, 2020

I have been having a blast designing and creating Thirteen Charms for my March special. Not only is this the month of St. Patrick’s Day, but it’s also the first Friday the 13th of the year! Every day, for the first 13 days of March, I’ll be showcasing each Charm; I turned into a set of cookie-cutters if it doesn’t have you skipping around singing, “Hearts, stars, clovers, horseshoes, and blue moons. Unicorns*, rainbows, and tasty red balloons” I don’t know what else could. 😊

Leprechaun Magic

Lucky the Leprechaun (arguably the most famous Leprechaun) was gifted four magical charms by his dad; the Heart, Star, Clover, and Moon. His job is to spread magic around the world. Lucky is a harmless yet mischievous leprechaun and knows our world could use more than magic.

I hope to help Lucky in his endeavors by spreading more magic by stirring the joy within our nostalgic hearts. Lucky Charms are my favorite cereal. I thought I knew the shapes. I could sing the song. (There have been a couple of iterations because of new charms and discontinued charms). Little did I know how much I would learn about the magical world where Lucky lives!

The Charms

I started out looking at the box of Lucky Charms and the assorted eight charms. I was excited to sketch them and print them in a few different sizes. Then I got to thinking, where is the Pot of Gold? Did the new Unicorn replace it? Then the more I dug, the more I realized I hadn’t eaten much cereal over the last decade. The Pots of Gold were retired in 2008. RIP.

While I miss the pots of Gold, I love the Unicorns. (The Unicorns replaced the Hourglass. If I hadn’t looked it up I wouldn’t have known what that charm was supposed to be 🤷🏼‍♀️). At this point, my brain started whirring. What other charms have I missed out on or forgotten? Then I got to digging.

I remember the release of the rainbows in the 90s. I recalled the crystal balls that melted to reveal Lucky’s hiding location or answer yes or no questions. I ventured deep down the rabbit hole. At this point, I knew I wanted to have a dozen cookies. I scoured some Wiki fan pages devoted to the “Magically Delicious” cereal to search for hidden gems that I may not have recalled. I also thought about including the cereal shapes, but I felt committed to the marshmallow charms.

Decision Time

By the end of all of my research, I decided on :

  1. Hearts
  2. Shooting Stars
  3. Clovers
  4. Leprechaun Hats
  5. Horseshoes
  6. Blue Moons
  7. Pots of Gold
  8. Hourglasses
  9. Unicorns
  10. Rainbows
  11. Tasty Red Balloons
  12. ?

I hemmed and hawed over how to fill the 12th spot. The original 4 Charms were Pink Hearts, Orange 6-Sided Stars, Green Clovers, and Yellow Moons. So maybe I should include the original star? Then I thought about the Blue Diamond. It was the first new Charm! I was also mildly obsessed with the Whales from ’86, but were they too obscure?

I reached out to my R&D team, aka my two best gals at work, and took a survey. One agreed that the Whales would be trendy in general (whether they were in the Charms collection or not). My other gal was immediately hooked on the Blue Diamonds (because they are blue). Also, there were lots of questions surrounding the 6-sided stars. Were they Stars of David? (I’m not the creator of Lucky Charms. I have no answers to these kinds of questions. My only thought is they are perfectly symmetrical). Though I could use them in a Channukah Collection as well… (and I love cookie-cutters with more than one purpose).

With the resounding response (*cough* one strong vote) for the Blue Diamond, I was all set. Yet, my heart still longed for the Whale. I connected with the Whale. I was born in ’86, and I love how random quirky this Whale is. So I decided to have both. I would have 13.

An Ocelot’s Dozen: The Lucky 13

Thirteen has been my favorite number as long as I can remember. I like spooky movies, I don’t believe in superstitions, and I felt like the number 13 got a bad wrap (just like black cats). I enjoyed being playful on Friday the 13th, walking under ladders, playing with all cats that may cross my path, because Friday the 13th was just another day. It took the fear out of it and turned it into something wildly fun!

I frequently have an extra cookie or two that I add to orders (gratis). I always bake a few extra in case there is an icing mishap, oven mishap, and of course, I need some for tasting! So an Ocelot’s Dozen is anywhere from 13-15.

As fortune has it, this Friday is Friday the 13th! If you need to double your luck, add charms to ward off your superstitions, or just have some extra fun this month, you can always order some of the Lucky 13! You may never catch Lucky the Leprechaun, but I’ll be taking orders all month!

  1. Hearts
  2. Shooting Stars
  3. Clovers
  4. Leprechaun Hats
  5. Horseshoes
  6. Blue Moons
  7. Pots of Gold
  8. Hourglasses
  9. Unicorns
  10. Rainbows
  11. Tasty Red Balloons
  12. Diamonds
  13. Swirled Whales

Charming Cookie-Cutters

I sketched, designed, and 3D printed five sizes of each Charm. The options are as follows: Tiny Bites, Extra Small (XS), Small, Medium, and Large. If you are trying to compute the math, it’s 65 Cookie-Cutters. The printing time for each cookie cutter ranged from 1 – 4 hour(s). (It took me a couple of weeks to print them all).

As I was making a set of balloons for a co-worker’s baby’s 1st birthday (because the baby loves balloons), I accidentally started making them in a Rainbow Brite-style rainbow. Then I HAD to make a full set in the same Rainbow (even though I ended up gifting a small set in the colors of the Parents’ Alma Mater).

Cookie Time

Once the cookie-cutters finished printing, it was time to start baking test cookies! Yum!

Here is the collection of Shooting Stars! The Tiny bites are the perfect 1-2 bite cookie! (Tiny Bites, Extra Small (XS), Small, Medium, and Large)

Tiny Bites

I was pleased as punch when a full collection of 13 fit in my skinny cookie sleeve!

Extra Small (XS)

Eight XS cookies fit in the same sleeve! Which also felt like serendipity! (As for many years there have been eight charms packed in our cereal).


The small cookies also come in packs of eight!


The medium cookies come in packs of 2! (You can choose!) Some of my suggested pairings are:

  1. Shooting Star & Moon
  2. Rainbow & Pot of Gold
  3. Unicorn & Horseshoe
  4. Clover & Leprechaun Hat
  5. Unicorn & Rainbow

Large cookies are available in single packs!


Finding the Leprechaun!

I stared at my cookie-cutters for days and days as they were printing and while I was baking. I kept getting the Unicorns turned around, so where I couldn’t tell what shape they were! One day, as this happened, I noticed my Pot of Gold had a funny resemblance to a curly beard! So I was inspired to make a Leprechaun! (Remember that love of turning Cookie-Cutters into multiple designs!)

Lucky Charms Treats!

Back by popular demand are Lucky Charms Treats! (Like Rice Cereal Treats, but made with Lucky Charms). I made them last year for St. Patrick’s Day, and they were such a hit that people started asking me about them in early February! This year, I’ll be offering a chocolate drizzled option as well as the plain (which is anything other than plain)!

These gooey treats are filled with homemade vanilla marshmallows!

Also, Gluten-Free Friends, did you know that Lucky Charms are GF? They are made from oats (and triple sifted to ensure they leave no traces of any gluten). I’ve never really thought about what they are made of, just that they are “magically delicious!”

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Behind the Scenes | Updates

The Story of the Ocelots

By on 26 February, 2020

I am often asked, “why, Ocelots”? Is it because of my love of cats? Is it because I have Bengals? Or, on other occasions, I am asked, “what’s an Ocelot”? 

In honor of National Tell a Fairy Tale Day, I thought I would share the behind the scenes of how the Ocelots came to be. It isn’t technically a fairy tale, per se, but it did get its start in Germany. 

Daniel and I met while we were in the Army and stationed in Germany. I was on a small post near Schwetzingen, the Spargel (White Asparagus) Capital of the World, while Daniel was in Heidelberg, the nearest large city. 

I was assigned the additional responsibility of being in charge of my barracks building. Mostly, everyone was well behaved, and all it meant was, I made a cleaning roster, performed shared space inspections, and when Soldiers got locked out of their rooms, I had the master key card to let them back into their rooms. 

Before the end of a week, I realized the master key wasn’t working, but our housing office was unable to program a new key card until the following Tuesday. I made a big announcement at our safety briefing before we were released for the weekend, cautioning everyone not to lock themselves out of their rooms because I didn’t have a key. The only option was to call the fire department, and I informed them I listed the information on the bulletin board near my barracks room. 

On Sunday morning, Daniel was visiting for a lovely homecooked breakfast. I was excited about making some pancakes and showing off my culinary excellence (in my tiny kitchenette that I worked tirelessly to turn into a kitchen because we didn’t have a Dining Facility on my post). 

Knock Knock

I opened the door to find a distressed Soldier who locked herself out of her room. She had placed something in the door to prevent it from locking when she went to do some laundry, so I don’t even remember if she had a phone to call the fire department. 

Well, it also wasn’t just any other Soldier. She was my soldier. She was in my charge and a dear friend. And as a compassionate but mildly annoyed at not heeding my instructions Non-Commissioned Officer, I gave her a little bit of side-eye and a smile before inviting her to join us for breakfast.

Daniel looked at me a little uneasy. “Do you want me to go to the store to get some more food?” Little did he know, I ALWAYS have an incredibly well-stocked pantry. I could easily make more pancakes and eggs. 

“But do you have any orange juice or anything? I think I’d like some orange juice.”

Alas, I didn’t have any orange juice, I didn’t want him to drive the 10 miles to the grocery store and interrupt our morning plan, but he was bent on going shopping. Instead, he asked one more time if there was anything else I needed while he was out. As I thought about it, I knew some meat would be a nice compliment to the breakfast, so I asked him to pick up some Smokey Links. 

“Smoked Lynx? I don’t know where to get smoked Lynx.”

My hearing didn’t discern his meaning, and I tried to explain to him the nature of these smoked sausages that are kind of like hot dogs but even more delicious. I wondered if they weren’t a popular item in Virginia. I hadn’t spent enough time there to know. 

“I don’t know about smoked Lynx, but what about smoked Kodkod?”

Kodkod? I’m not sure what that is, but he really must not understand me. Perhaps it’s a dialect thing. “No, Smokey Links silly, the sausages!” 

“How about some smoked Caracal? Or some Colocolo, he said.” 

“No… Smokey Links,” I repeated for the 12th time. At this point, I was starting to get frustrated. What doesn’t this dude get about it? Go to the store, pick up the meat. It’s probably near the hot dogs or the bacon. It depends on the store. I had only suggested the smokey links because they are tasty, meaty, aren’t spicey, and it’s an easy cleanup. 

“What about some Jaguar?” he said. “Or even some Ocelot?” 

At the point, he mentioned Jaguars it clicked. The lightbulb turned on, and I realized he was messing with me in an extremely dorky but also endearing way. “Ooo! Some smoked Ocelot! That is what I REALLY want. That would be fantastic!” I gave him a kiss and a pat on the butt, and he was out the door and on the way to the store. 

While Daniel was out to the store, I got to work on the pancakes, set the table, and watched a little bit of Anastasia with Alicia. A full hour later, there is another knock at the door. 

Daniel is panting heavily. 

“Oh my goodness, honey, are you okay‽ What happend‽ I asked.”

“Ocelots. Are. Fast.”

Dead. I was laughing so hard. In the hour it took Daniel to make a 30-minute trip, I had forgotten entirely about the “Smoked Ocelot.”

He then proceeded to tell me this long-winded story about how he was surprised he was able to find the Ocelot in the commissary. Then he got it into his car, but when he got onto the Autobahn, he decided to put the top of the convertible down, and the Ocelot escaped. ‘Ocelots are fast.’

From that day forward, I have called him Mr. Ocelot. A week or so, he called me Mrs. Ocelot (all the pitter patters of feelings), and a couple of weeks later, he proposed. 

To be completely honest, we’re kind of weirdos about it. By which I mean, we are committed to it 😂. When we talk to each other, our hands are paws, and if we talk about children, they are cubs. Before we got engaged, we discussed it. He said a condition in getting married was that our first girl would be named Katherine because it is a family tradition. And I agreed as long as we can call her Kitty.

Another example is I used to say, “get your paws out of the food!” If Daniel tried to sneak bits before I have finished preparing a meal or treat. So maybe it’s not as weird as I led on, but we continue to keep the tradition alive.  

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Baked Goods | Doughnuts | Holiday | Mardi Gras | Treats

Happy Pączki Day!

By on 25 February, 2020

For those that may be caught unaware, today is Pączki Day! It is also known as Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, and Mardi Gras, to name a few more familiar names. So why am I calling it Pączki Day? Well, as a native Michigander, I grew up with Pączki in every bakery and convenience store (oh, QD how I miss you) this time of year.

Pączki are Polish doughnuts. Pączek is the singular form, and Pączki is plural. Growing up, we always ate Pączki, and on every occasion, ate more than one. If you haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying a Pączki, the closest cousin is a Bismark or Jelly-Filled Doughnut. Truly a Pączki is in its own class. The dough itself is more luxurious and more decadent than that of a typical doughnut.

Fat Tuesday, Pączki Day, and Mardi Gras are typically celebrated as the last day of indulgence before Lent begins. Pączki were created as a way to use up the rich, decadent ingredients from the pantry so it wouldn’t go to waste (and if the ingredients were shelf-stable for 40 days, I suppose to also reduce temptation. Fat, Sugar, Brandy, Egg Yolks, and a Sweet Filling give some heft to these incredible treats.

A few years ago, when I had just gotten out of the Army, I was craving Pączki and knew I wasn’t going to find them in Brunswick County, VA. I decided it was time to learn how to make them and stumbled across an excellent recipe for Baked Pączki over at Jenny Can Cook. It was my first attempt at making Pączki, and I felt more comfortable baking them than frying them.

I followed the instructions to the point of shaking the warm doughnut that has just been brushed with butter in a bag of sugar. I did that once and thought it was too much sugar. Granted, it had been YEARS since I had eaten a Pączek, so I may have misremembered, but I opted to sprinkle the sugar over the tops of the remaining doughnuts.

First Home Baked Pączki

They were delicious. Light but rich. I filled the freshly baked doughnuts with Strawberry Jam. It was an excellent day! Since then, I have baked Pączki every year. I share them with neighbors and bring lots into my office to spread the love of Pączki in Richmond.

This year, with the launch of my business, I decided to go “WILD’. I made my recipe a little more authentic. (Jenny’s recipe doesn’t call for any Brandy). My Grandma Nancy reminds me EVERY year that authentic Pączki have Brandy in them. I’ve also seen recipes that suggest using Rum as a substitute. I don’t currently have any Brady in my liquor cabinet, but I live in the South and have a wide assortment of Bourbon.

I also decided to bake a batch and fry a batch (which turned into frying two batches). Y’all, I am beyond freaking excited I decided to fry them. I love the healthier baked version. They are delightful. (I calculated the calories one year, and they averaged 125-140 calories depending on the filling). I am not going to bother figuring out how to calculate the calorie count on the fried doughnuts. They are worth every calorie. They were easy to fry. It wasn’t as messy as I had anticipated. They puffed and got so light and fluffy. I felt like I was biting into a cloud! Also, the telltale light middle ring of a Pączki was much more prominent in the fried version. I’m not sure I can go back.

I also recently learned Pączki are also eaten in the U.S. on Casimir Pulaski Day. Casimir Pulaski was born in Poland and was an American Revolutionary War hero. He has been dubbed “the father of the American cavalry.” (Celebrated the First Monday in March). I’ve already looked ahead at the Calendar for next year, and Fat Tuesday is only 5 days after Valentine’s Day. I may be celebrating Casimir Pulaski Day in 2021! 😍

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